2022 Video Assets

2022 Video Assets

Created For [Personal Use] in 2022

Tools used: 

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere Pro

The goal of creating these assets was to display the appropriate information in a uniform style that would fit the channel aesthetic in any video.

The first of these assets is the info bar that comes in from the bottom left. The main use of this graphic is to give information about footage currently on screen. For example, if a video from YouTube would need to be showcased, it would display the title of the video along with the creator’s name in the subtitle text.

The next asset is the song info that comes in from the top left. To give it some character and also clearly show that the info is about music, I added a spinning disc to the graphic.

Lastly, there is the end card. It looks simple but has the right amount of flow in the motion to have that POP without being obnoxious. This could be said about all of these graphics. They are there, they do what they need to do, and they look nice doing it.