Nick Brawl Tournaments

Nick Brawl Tournaments

Created For Nick Brawl Grinders in 2022

Tools used: 

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
obs logoOBS Studio

I created and ran unofficial social media accounts and newsletters for the video game Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. The purpose of creating and maintaining these accounts was to show the public that the game still had an active community. At the time, public perception showed that not many people knew about these events and had a negative view of the game. These accounts started off as ideas, and after feedback from the community, I brought them to life. Both the tournament accounts and Reddit newsletter have a set template that makes it easy to input and organize information, for myself or if I were to ever hand off the accounts to another person.

Both types of content implement call to actions. Tournament posts take you to the tournament page, while newsletters lead you to the main resources from the community outside of Reddit. All the information is condensed and organized in a way that makes it easy for readers to analyze the posts for important information.

All the ideas and feedback from the social media posts led to the creation of Slime Grind Time, a special event unlike any other in the Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl community. Based on feedback from the community, I created and managed the creation of this matchmaking event on a weekly basis. I continued to take feedback and tweak settings in the background to ensure a smooth and enjoyable event for all. Slime Grind Time is a great way for players old and new to get a taste of a tournament setting without the stress or commitment, bringing in and retaining players for the community.

Tournament Results Video

Created For Nick Brawl Grinders in 2023

Tools used: 

Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator

A byproduct of the creation of Slime Grind Time was that it needed a tournament results image. Most other tournaments in the community use the same web-based tournament result image generator, but I wanted to use my skills to go above and beyond what’s been seen in the Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl community. Not only did I make a visually appealing graphic, but I brought it to life with motion in Adobe After Effects. The community loves it, and it garners relatively many retweets with each one. The goal was to make something that would get a lot of eyes on it to advertise the event and, in turn, the community. And it works! People have joined the event with one of the main reasons being to try to get their name on the results video.