AGHM Identiy

AGHM Logo Main

AGHM Identity

Created For [Personal Use] in 2017

Tools used: 

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

The “AGHM Identity” is a demonstration of how a let’s play series on a site like YouTube would be like. Assets like logos, intro, thumbnails and end-slates are all crucial parts of this and are demonstrated on this page. The logo above give a nice simple and easy to read title which also gives a potential viewer a feeling of what the video/series is about. The design also layouts the aesthetic of the series as shown in the other assets below to give a sense of consistency and identity.


Above is the thumbnail design broken down to it’s basics to understand the wire-frame that most thumbnails will follow. Same background and character on the bottom left to let viewers easily recognize that this is an AGHM video while browsing on their devices. Below you can see some examples of a thumbnail with a completed composition.


Logos and artwork property of their respective owners.

AGHM Intro

Created For [Personal Use] in 2017

Tools used: 

Adobe Animate
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

This is a short and simple intro just to get viewers, especially those new to the series a sense of what’s to come. Demonstrated by a simplistic take on a classic video game to show the misfortunes to come as “All Games Hate Me”. The intro went through a few revisions and is put together using more tools than would be conventional. If done today with new knowledge since then I could possible do everything(except the music) in Adobe After Effects alone. Speaking of the music, I am in no means a music composer but this shows my willingness to learn new things as that short melody was composed by me.

AGHM End Slates

Created For [Personal Use] in 2018

Tools used: 

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

At the end of most YouTube videos there will be 20 seconds to promote other videos, social media, merchandise, etc. and AGHM is no exception. Here is a nice clean “2 videos and subscribe” end slate that would go at the end of each video. Thumbnails of 2 videos would go in the boxes and a subscribe icon in the circle. This end slate goes along with the design aesthetic of the rest of the identity(unlike the intro music made by me, the music here is royalty free from There is even an alternative end slate below where someone on a green screen could be added in to do something like make an announcement without being covered up. At the very bottom of this page is a unused early concept of the end slate for AGHM.

Alternate version:

Early unused version: